The kitchen, the car, playing outside, near water – there so many places you need to be safe. And safe practices help you have more fun! The 4-H safety project can be a stand alone project or with other 4-H projects. You will learn to prevent accidents and injuries by recognizing and correcting safety hazards. This project pairs well with food and nutrition, shooting sports, archery, and any animal projects.
The safety project fits with so many 4-H activities – like being safe around large animals or with outdoor activities like shooting sports. But you can even apply safety principles to your everyday activities like cell phone safety or car seats and seat belts. Share what you learn to keep your family and friends safe too!
Dancefit Curriculum
- Dancefit Curriculum | TEKS
- Marketing Information
- Agent Implementation Guidelines | Agent Checklist
- Leader Training | Training Sign in
- Leader Implementation Guide | Leader Checklist
- Agenda Sample | Agenda Fillable
- PreSurvey | Post Survey | Teacher Survey
Disaster Preparedness
- Disaster preparedness for youth
- Disaster Preparedness Kits
- Family Emergency Plans
- Planning Ahead for Disasters
Driving and Transportation Safety
- Teens in the Driver Seat
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Mother’s Against Drunk Driving
- Extension passenger safety
- Rural Road Safety
Farm and Ranch Safety
- Agricultural safety and health
- National Ag Safety Database
- Pesticide Safety
- National Farmers Union
- Purdue Curriculum
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Intro from TFB
- Grain/Confined Space
- Mental Health
- General Safety
Health Education and Safety
Outdoor Safety
Contests and Activities
Family Community Health FCH Quiz Bowl
A “Quiz Bowl” is a quiz game that tests teams of 4 on their knowledge of basic nutrition, consumer information, food and kitchen safety, food preparation skills and storage, health and fashion and interior design skills. Up against the clock, the 4-H’ers buzz in to answer a question and earn points for correct answers. Teams advance in a tournament-system bracket to win the competition.
Healthy Lifestyles Invitational
The invitational is held at 4-H Roundup; teams do not have to qualify to enter. First, you are given a story (in each of 8 classes) related to a healthy lifestyles topic and four possible outcomes or choices. You must rank the four choices and are scored on your answer. Then, in the presentation portion, teams must work together to analyze a problem, develop a solution and make a presentation to the judges.
- Fitness Equipment
- Food Allergies
- Grocery Meats
- Human Trafficking
- Mental Health Wellness
- Sports Nutrition
Sample Classes:
Roundup Educational Presentations
An educational presentation is a fun way to share your 4-H project. You can give a education presentation by yourself or with other 4-H friends. The 4-H Roundup Educational Presentation Competition takes place at 4-H Roundup each year. All presentations should address current issues related to the topic category. There is a Safety and Injury Prevention Educational Presentation at county, district, and state level. Visit the State Roundup webpage to learn more.