Want to learn how to make your own aloe gel for sunburns? Or how to grow vegetables that your family can eat for dinner? Join the horticulture project! Students can complete various tasks and can even go on to earn Junior Master Gardener certification. Dig in and get growing!
Students will explore the exciting world of plants, insects, water, soil, and ecology. Students can do community service projects to help provide healthy food and beautiful landscapes.
Available for all types of 4-H clubs, in- or after-school programs, and summer camps. The leader does NOT have to be a Master Gardener. Leaders can contact their local county Extension office for gardening support or resources.
Junior Master Gardener Program
The JMG program curriculum is aligned to the TEKS for grade 3-5 and 6-8. There is also curricula by theme – Literature in the Garden, Wildlife Gardener, and the newest JMG curricula – Learn, Grow, Eat & Go! promoting gardening, nutrition and physical activity.
The lessons and activities are fun, hands on, and encourage learning by doing! There are 2 online training programs that might be helpful for JMG leaders! A complete listing of curriculum and resources for leaders is available online, for purchase or free for the online version.
A complete list of fun activities and resources for students is available online.
There are 2 certification options for youth including:
- Golden Ray Series certification – complete 12 learning experiences, 1 service learning project and 1 career exploration activity
- Or full Junior Master Gardener certification – complete 1 group and 1 individual learning experience, 1 service learning project per chapter of the curriculum
Find full details about certification on the JMG website.
Events and Activities
These are only a few state level opportunities. You can find more opportunities near you by asking your County Extension Agent.
The Texas A&M University Horticulture Department hosts a 4-H Landscape Challenge. Students can share what they learned in a record book, by entering horticulture projects at local or county fairs, or even with volunteer work centered around their gardening project at One Day 4-H.
4-H Landscape Challenge
This challenge is meant to promote landscape design knowledge and professionalism to 4-H students by simulating a real-life interaction between a customer and landscape professional. Additionally, the challenge will serve to educate the public on the value of landscaping by beautifying the grounds.