Did you know that nearly three-fourths of all animals are insects? Because there are so many insects, they impact our daily lives in both good and bad ways. In this 4-H project you will learn about entomology – the study of insects. You will learn about the insect world by studying, collecting and identifying various insects. Discover how helpful and harmful insects live, multiply, and affect humans.
This project is easy to afford because insects are free or inexpensive at pet stores or scientific supply houses. Because of their size, insects can be easily housed in small containers for observation. Learn how to identify, classify, collect and preserve insects and other arthropods.
- Project Information Sheet
- Explore Guide: Beginning Beekeeping
- 4-H Entomology Contest
- Imported Fire Ant Model
Entomology Curriculum
Study Materials
- Amateur Entomologists’ Society
- Entomological Society of America
- The National Invasive Species Information Center
- The National Pest Management Association
National 4-H Curriculum Resources
- Teaming with insects–leader’s guide
- Level 1 Teaming with Insects
- Level 2 Teaming with Insects
- Level 3 Teaming with Insects
Events and Activities
Click here for state-wide event calendar!
Youth don’t have to do a contest to participate in the project. Additional opportunities may be offered outside of 4-H, as well. Some counties and districts host an entomology contest, so check with your local county Extension office to learn more about possible contests. State-level competitions include the insect collection and a qualifying contest. It is a knowledge and identification contest. Visit the Department of Entomology website to learn more.
Insect Collection Contest
Entomology Photography Contest
- Entomology Photography Contest
- Results: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021
Beekeeping Essay Contest
The Beekeeping Essay Contest is sponsored by the The Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, Inc. For over 50 years, the American Beekeeping Federation has been serving the needs of the U.S. beekeeper. Any youth interested in participating in the contest must follow the instructions for the Texas 4-H selection process. Email jcbarrett@ag.tamu.edu with questions on the beekeeping contest.
Natural Resources Photography Contest
The Texas 4-H Natural Resources Photography Contest encourages observation within specific Natural Resources project areas and allows youth to demonstrate skills learned in the area of photography, including the use of photographic equipment and processing of photographs. This contest provides another opportunity to showcase the photographic work of 4-H members in all age divisions.